home run, missed plate, appeal
In a SP Rec league last evening. League bylaws state that over the fence home runs must be run out.
Bases loaded, batter clears them with a grand slam. Batter allegedly missed HP, and the PU apparently wasn't looking [shame on him]. So an appeal was made and the PU ruled safe.
My question is about the timing of when an appeal can be made. I realize a runner cannot go back to touch HP if a subsequent runner has scored. So let's focus on the batter. Since the ball is over the fence, we have a dead ball situation. Say in his exeuberance, the batter runs past HP and doesn't touch it. How soon can the defense appeal the missed plate? The BR may realize he missed the plate and goes back to touch it two seconds after, or he's half-way to the dugout and his teammates tell him to return to touch.
I'm assuming this isn't like an appeal at 1B when the BR overruns the base without touching it. Do we wait until a ball is given to the pitcher at which point the defense can appeal?
Logically, I'm thinking when the BR enters the dugout area OR when the pitcher has a replacement ball. [And some umps give the pitcher another ball while the BR is rounding the bases. I wait until the BR has completed his tour.]
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