Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
How rude of her to celebrate a birthday during softball season!
OTOH, I don't know why people think birthdays are so special, you have one every year and the more you have, the more depressed some people get.
But then there is Hallmark and American Greetings to help you along.......for a price. 
Well, that's just proof that I picked a good one! Or maybe that a good one picked me.
She knows how much softball means to me, and she knows that I may not always get these offers. Now that I'm NIF-qualified, I can afford to hold back and not take a National assignment.
Plus, on one of those birthdays, she did go to Boston for a conference and some sightseeing. She loved it.
And you know, it's funny you should mention the birthday depressions. When I was in college, I took Norwegian for a year to pay my respects to my grandfather. It didn't hurt that the instructor from Lithuania was drop-dead gorgeous. One day, we come walking into class, and she's visibly bummed out.
"Laura, hva skjedde? (Laura, what happened?)"
"It's my birthday..."
"Really? Wow! Happy birthday!"
"No, it's not good..."
"Why not? How old are you?" (many of us were dying to know this)
"I'm an old maid!"
"What're you talking about? C'mon, tell us."
"I'm... I'm 22."
Apparently, in Lithuania, if you're not married by age 20, there's something wrong with you.
Trust me. There was NOTHING wrong with her.