Originally Posted by mbcrowder
Highly unsafe? Probably less unsafe than a regular base hit... who in the world is the batter going to hurt throwing his bat toward a pitch so bad he couldn't hit it otherwise? And the ball's not going to come off very hard. Why in the world would you consider this unsafe.
Let me take it a step further and remove the opinion out of it... don't you believe that if TPTB wanted such an action to be against the rules or considered it unsafe (especially considering some of the other safety rules out there), that TPTB would have put a prohibition of this action in the rulebook? What do you read from them not doing so?
Hey, ease up off the recent SP-to-FP convert here.
Again, I've not seen it happen, and maybe what I have pictured in my mind is not exactly how it'd go down. What I'm picturing is a pitch-out striking the bat in mid-air, causing it to tumble around, probably in the catcher's direction.
I'd have to see it with my own eyes.