Originally Posted by jr131981
umm, this wouldnt be the first time that a corporation has claimed their product would/wouldnt do XXXXX and they were wrong/lying.
That's fine, but it isn't the umpire's problem. That is purely a issue between the consumer and manufacturer.
i actually had a J2 (demarini juggernaut 2) end cap come off a month ago. i grabbed the bat, made sure it wasnt shaved, looked at the end cap to see if it had been messed with (most notably "pry marks"). nothing was wrong with the bat, but i told the team the bat had to be removed from the game.
What were you going to do if you found evidence there was an issue with the bat?
on a side note, while i wish bat manufacturers would just make an endcap that can be taken off in 1s so anyone can check to see if the bats shaved,
Why would you care? Do you know how many times you would be asked to check this bat or that? I'm there to umpire a ball game, not be a hall monitor for bats.
i will give some credit for the new utrip rules which have some sort of cap over the endcap to make it damn near impossible to take off.
A cap for a cap? If they cannot/do not make one secure, what makes you think the second will be?
If you really want to alleviate the situation, get rid of the end cap, period. Make them find a way to produce a bat that doesn't need and end cap.