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Old Wed Aug 24, 2011, 04:19pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
I know more officials that can quote every rule and will insist they are right but have no common sense and no one wants to work for them. So I guess to each his own. I have screwed up rules in the past and did not realize it until later because the coaches, partners or fans had no idea the rule was screwed up, but the explanation was sound and the way it was handled was smooth. So not every misapplication causes a problem when even when we are right coaches think we are stupid or they think we do not know what we are doing in the heat of the moment. I have actually been banned from one place by a coach because he did not like the real rule application and wanted to split hairs with wording.

Let me say it again...demonstrating that you know the rules by doing well on the test is NOT the ONLY element needed to be a decent official. It is just one of several necessary pieces that suggest a person is likely a good official.
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