Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by Mark Padgett
Originally posted by joec
Also by rule, when team A then violated on the throw-in, they lose the ball and the arrow. This is the only time the arrow is changed when a throw-in is not completed.
I think Mark just misspoke when he said A loses the arrow. During a normal AP sitch, this would be correct.
In this sitch, since A had the ball because of B's initial violation and B had the arrow, A simply loses the ball. B keeps the arrow. Don't change the arrow after B's throw-in. B got the ball because of A's violation.
Bottom line - B's ball and B's arrow. [/B]
OOOPS - is my face red. Of course you are right. Since the throw-in is not an AP throw-in, normal throw-in rules apply.
That's what I get for looking at this stuff after eating turkey.