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Old Tue Aug 23, 2011, 08:40am
aceholleran aceholleran is offline
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I guess this is one area on this board where I am somewhat of an expert, after 33 years of doing LL at levels up to Regional. Plus HS, Legion and a summer league of ex-college and -pro players. I retired at the end of last season.

Some of the WP assignments are actually based on merit, some are international (for diversity's sake) and some are handed out to the Smittys of the world.

It's the latter group that irks me.

These are guys who, for the most part, have worked nothing other than LL. And they've been doing it since the Liston-Patterson fight. They're not members of any association, so there isn't anyone guiding them about attire, comportment, game management, mechanics and the zillion other things we must do in order to hone our skills. In short, they've been making the same mistakes--for decades--without criticism ("But that's Uncle Bumps; he's been in this league for 38 years, so he must be right").

IMHO, the reality is: some of us might have started in LL but realized that the best way to improve is to do "higher" levels. I know quite a few former LL umps who just stopped doing it in favor of "moving up." And yes, the monetary factor enters here. FWIW, I am fully in favor of paid umpires at all levels.

I saw a totally embarrassing sitch last night as MEA played Japan. It was simple: R1, 1 out. B1 hits a hot grounder to F5, who fields it in foul territory right near 3B.

PU correctly calls the ball foul. F5 throws to F4, who "retires" R1. I could not see if U2 made a "call" or not. R1 heads back toward dugout, with B1 standing on first. None of the umps does anything to right this, for about 30 seconds.

Finally, PU comes down the line toward 1B. He looks at both players says (and I quote, because I have DVR!): "Who was my last batter?"

[Could not hear an answer. May I insert a "duh" here?]

PU continues, pointing at B1, "You're at the plate and you," pointing at R1,
"are wherever you were at when the play started."

Just horrendous. But, as announcers love to say, "The right call was made."

I am disappointed to say that I don't think this system will ever be rectified. Every August, you'll see Ole Gramps back there, gut hanging out, looking the way that makes members of this group cringe. As we should; I firmly believe that 99% of this group is truly dedicated to excellence in officiating.

I have a way to fix this, but they'd have to pay me for it. Which ain't gonna happen.

Sorry for the long-winded post.

Ace Holleran
Barcalounger League
There is no such thing as idiot-proof, only idiot-resistant.
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