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Old Tue Mar 04, 2003, 04:34pm
Larks Larks is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Posts: 1,109
JV Guy Sez:

Cincinnati, Ohio area - all depending on league

7 / 8 Grd $20 - $25
Freshman $25 - 35
JV $30 - $37
2-man V $50 (most Girls)
3-man V $45 - $55 (All Boys and some girls)

None of those include mileage

Most of the assignors schedule the 7th and 8th grade games as double headers so you make 40 - $50 each time out.

About half the leagues schedule the FR and JV games as double headers so you make $55 - 70 each time out. I happen to work the $70 double header league. When I make Varsity, I think I'll be taking a pay cut!

Interesting this came up...I was just talking to a softball ump today....the parks around Cincinnati are only paying $17 - $20 for adult softball games. It's no wonder they cant find enough umpires.

[Edited by Larks on Mar 5th, 2003 at 08:23 AM]
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