Thread: Balk?
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Old Wed Aug 17, 2011, 09:41pm
Rita C Rita C is offline
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Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve View Post
While the heat was a factor, that isn't why they needed umpires Wednesday.

The TD accepted some late registrations that created the need for a remote site not previously planned for; three fields for a total of 10 games added on fields not manned on the first day of elimination play (3 umpire system).

We (in Georgia) were prepared to man them all (using 12-13 umpires) when we were told last minute (the night before, after telling our umpires to drive out 5:30 am to be on site by 7:00 am, as they weren't providing any rooms to get there the night before) they had dug up some more locals, and just 5 or 6 were needed. Several of mine were in the group that went; and yes, the reports I got were they saw bodies that were barely warm.

Several of mine were in the main group, and one of my fill-in-for-one-day was asked to stay for a few more days. Heard a few stories that raised hair on my neck; local first year umpires that had never seen (let alone worked) three man system before, and more. At the ASA/USA 16A National.

Because they "weren't prepared for so many", reports of not being fed, umpires sent home after their last assignment, no umpire party, and more. Seems to me the hosts shouldn't claim not prepared if they chose to accept late fill-in teams and registrations, and not skimp on umpire hospitality.

Not great reports from the local teams, either.
Don't the teams have to earn their way to Nationals?

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