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Old Tue Aug 16, 2011, 08:20pm
shipwreck shipwreck is offline
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NFHS question # 48

* 48) After a dead-ball situation, the ball becomes live when it is held by the pitcher within the 16-foot circle and the umpire signals play ball.

A. True
Reference: 5/1/04

OK, I answered false since the rule says "after a dead ball situation, the ball becomes live when it is held by the pitcher on the pitcher's plate and the plate umpire calls and/or signals "play ball" and gives a beckoning hand signal. It was graded that I missed this question.

The way the question is worded makes it a false statement since the pitcher has to have the ball on the pitcher's plate not just in the circle with the ball.

For many years there was a similar question on the test that was false since the question didn't include the words " and the plate umpire signals play ball". The question just said the ball becomes live when the pitcher holds the ball in the circle. The test showed that was a false statement.

Makes me mad since I scored a 99% but really think it should have been 100%

What do you think. Dave
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