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Old Sat Aug 13, 2011, 11:07am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 39
This is my biggest problem with men's SP. You might have one or two players who know the rules and heaven forbid any of them have actually picked up and read the rulebook within the last few years (if ever). The guy that runs our city league has a mandatory meeting with the coaches/mangers at the beginning of each session. As a board member of our umpire assoc. I have attended this meeting many times. Each team is given a current ASA rulebook, and can have more if they want. After the meeting is over we usually find a few left in the room.

Many of our headaches as umpires would be eased if teams would actually learn the rules and quit relying on myths and "I thought...(fill in the blank)."

Of course I am singing to the choir here...hahahaha
I started with nothing...and still have most of it left!!
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