Originally posted by Snaqwells
Call me a glutton...
Rut, with regard to the GI Bill. Your claim that everyone who uses the GI Bill joined the military for that purpose is not supported by reason.
If you are going to quote me, quote me properly. I did not say anything about "everyone that uses the GI Bill." I said that most of the people that go into the military today, use the opportunity to get funding for education.
Originally posted by Snaqwells
I have not said you are wrong. I don't know. You have said this is a statistical fact, I haven't even claimed your wrong. I do maintain (opinion alert) that you shouldn't back something up as fact (rather than opinion) if you can't back it up. I did offer reasoning as to why I think you're wrong. You haven't even addressed the fact that people who stay beyond their initial enlistment cannot place education at the top of their priority list.
If I state something, use a statistic that contradicts it. Do not just tell me how I should have formed the argument or what I should have not said. I am a grown *** man, I can say anything I choose no matter what you think. This is a free country. I think George Bush is an a horrible President and is going into this war for self-servicing reasons.
Originally posted by Snaqwells
I ask the question again. Why does the 20% figure bother you?
I will let you tell me. You know everthing else I should have done.