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Old Mon Mar 03, 2003, 01:36pm
Mregor Mregor is offline
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Originally posted by JRutledge
Originally posted by Mregor

"Most of the people in the military now are there to go to school, not go to war. That is the reason they joined in many cases."

That is a statistical fact. We have a volunteer Military. Most of the individuals that are in the Military have used the Military to get an education. Most of todays Military used the G.I. Bill or joined as a reserve to pay for the education. Over 30% of the Military is African-American alone and most used the Military to go to college. I know of several people now that have been deployed to Iraq or sent in support of this war, all in those cases got money for their educations. If that is a generalization, show me that it is not true. But I really do not care if you show it, prove it or not. The information is out there and you can find it or not.

You should practice the old proverb that states: Better to have people think you are an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Your claims are your personal opinion and not supported by any statistic. BTW, in the Air Force, the percentage of African-Americans is 16%, not 30. This is supported by fact.
I don't know about the other branches, the Army is probably somewhat higher but not enough to make it 30% in all the military. Don't insult all military members, me included, by saying that we joined the military to get an education. Believe it or not, some of us actually joined to serve our country.

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