Jeff, please don't think of this as my attempt to try to pick an argument. I just wanted to point out the falicy in some of your statements.
Originally posted by JRutledge
"Most of the people in the military now are there to go to school, not go to war. That is the reason they joined in many cases."
(Later you state):
That is a statistical fact.
First, I haven't seen statistics produces to qualify the statement as a statistical fact. All I saw was an interpretation of some supposed statistics that exist "out there".
Originally posted by JRutledge
We have a volunteer Military.
This is the first fact stated in the post. We can all agree that our military is volunteery because we do not have a draft and we are not FORCED to serve.
Originally posted by JRutledge
Most of the individuals that are in the Military have used the Military to get an education. Most of todays Military used the G.I. Bill or joined as a reserve to pay for the education.
First, I have no idea how many "most" is. Is most 75%, 51%. Most indicates a majority but it doesn't indicate how MUCH of a majority.
Second, simply because those who join the military take advantage of a service offered isn't proof in and of itself. All that can be stated as fact is that many people who enroll in the military take advantage of the educational opportunities. I think we would be foolish NOT to believe there are a few who join the military for the GI bill benefits. Most is carrying this too far in my opinion.
Originally posted by JRutledge
Over 30% of the Military is African-American alone
I might be able to agree with this because here is the first statistic offered. This is a number that can be verified
Originally posted by JRutledge
and most used the Military to go to college.
Here is the "most" statement again. How many is "most."
Originally posted by JRutledge
I know of several people now that have been deployed to Iraq or sent in support of this war, all in those cases got money for their educations.
Really, what you are saying is that, from your experience, those who joined the military did so because they wanted to take advantage of the GI bil. You may be carrying this too far but stating, "most of those who join the military". That is A LOT of people.
Originally posted by JRutledge
If that is a generalization, show me that it is not true.
It is a generalization and it cannot be proven until we have a working defintion of "most". If you had said "all", it could easily be disproven because "all" suggest 100%.
Originally posted by JRutledge
But I really do not care if you show it, prove it or not. The information is out there and you can find it or not.
An unsupported vague opinion is not fact.