ASA 12&U National, AL
On the other side of the fence for this National. Daughter playing. Have had great weather. Great fields. And some umpires that seem to be out of their element. Not sure if it's the instructions by the UIC or younger (in-expierenced umpires). Things that just don't seem right at a National. Umpires not knowing the run rules. Umpires questioning and checking with partners on courtesy runner rules. Umpires out of the most basic 2 umpire mechanic positions. Illegal pitches being missed or simply ignored. Umpires not being willing to check with partners on different angles. Basic fair and foul balls being missed in front of first base. Now don't get me wrong, NONE of these things have cost us games. It's just wierd/disappointing to see these things missed or happen in an ASA National.