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Old Mon Aug 01, 2011, 12:16pm
DaveASA/FED DaveASA/FED is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 962
I agree it was a great tournament with an outstanding group of umpires! It was great to meet you, just wish we would have been able to get on the diamond together, hopefully down the road somewhere we will!

I also agree SoCal was a wonderful host, there was nothing I could have wanted that wasn't there! I was out there last year in Hemet for the 18U A and it was the same way, very high class organization!

I will work in San Diego anytime! I got off the plane at home last night about 10pm and it felt hotter with the humidity here at 10pm than it did any day while I was out there! Why do I live here again???
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