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Old Sun Jul 31, 2011, 07:16pm
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Originally Posted by NoFear2020 View Post
Rule 4-23-1 Every player is entitled to a spot on the playing court provided such player gets there first without illegally contacting an opponent.

4-41-3 The try starts when the player begins the motion which habitually precedes the release of the ball.

So when the offensive player starts or gathers the ball s/he is considered to be shooting, the defensive player must be at the spot if not defensive foul.
So A1, moving quickly and taking long strides, gathers for a layup at around 25 feet away from the hoop. He gathers with both feet in the air, mid stride, lands on his right foot (at the three point line), takes one more stride with his left (just inside the free throw line) and launches off that left foot for a dunk. B1 got into position as A1 was midstrde between his right and left feet You're calling a block? You're using the wrong rule. The rule you quote (4-41-3) does not state when the defender must get to his spot, its only purpose is to determine whether a shot counts with a defensive foul before the ball is released.

APG's case play and the rule it notes (4-23-5) would be a great place to start.
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