Originally posted by ChuckElias
All I want to know is how you know that? That's all I've been asking in this thread. And you refuse to answer, b/c you don't know it at all. You only say it b/c it somehow makes you look good. Even tho, as I've said repeatedly, it's obviously false. You should have the courage and the maturity to admit that you spoke too quickly and you were in error. But for some reason, you refuse to do that as well.
You cannot have it both ways. You cannot on one had tell me that everything I said was completely false (one statement by the way) and say you do not know what everyone is thinking at the same time. What I said is based on an opinion. Opinions are shaded by an individuals preception of statements and events. Look at our political system and how people view based on the same events.
I will expect the next time someone gives and opinion that you disagree with, you will follow them around for 8 plus pages to get them to prove their point. And what is so funny is that I did not name names or point out anyone specifically. But those that seemed to think I am talking about them show how offended this makes them for me to make a claim about them (which I did not do about them personally). It is easy to say in this forum now that no one believes that. But when no one is looking or paying attention we will see what comes off the computer screen.