Thread: Toni Smith
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Old Sun Mar 02, 2003, 12:49am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Question Are your children fighting?

Originally posted by PAULK1
Why is it the people who will never fight for this right want to express it the most.

You are telling me that you have to fight for this country to express decent? What kind of logic is that? Why don't the people that are so fired up to go to war send their children or sign up themselves? I do not see the folks who are actually making this decision being the first in line to go to Baghdad. When I see your children go I will then believe in your true committement that you claim others should have. Most of the people in the military now are there to go to school, not go to war. That is the reason they joined in many cases. That is why we have so many folks from certain backgrounds disportionate to what the actual makeup of this country is. When I see the Eron's children on the front lines, I will then by that philosophy.

Hell our President was sheilded from serving directly in harms way. But he has the nerve to send other folks children and husbands and wives to die for something his father would not allow his behind to do himself.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)