Originally posted by Larks
I think its a slap in the face myself. People who protest our flag should move to IRAQ or North Korea for a week to see how bad it is and then move back. Maybe then they would appreciate the FREEDOM the flag stands for. I have no argument with you if you disagree with the actions of our government but you should at least respect the flag.
Most people do not know what that is or even get upset when the flag is displayed or shown improperly. Please do not tell me what is disrespectful when I was a JROTC Color Guard and had to put a flag up on a poll on a daily basis and bring it down every evening. Interesting that you claim she disrespected the flag but said nothing about the man that dragged the flag over the floor to protest her position. His actions were much more disrespectful than anything Toni did to the flag. But then again, it shows how uneducated people that tell others to move to another country do not know what should be done to that fabric we call a "symbol of our country."