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Old Sat Jul 30, 2011, 10:25pm
umpjim umpjim is offline
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Posts: 769
From the PBUC: "In sliding to a base, the runner should be able to reach the base with his hand or foot."

I think he could have complied with that but he didn't reach for the base.*

But wait, there is more: "A runner who, in the judgement of the umpire, contacts or attempts to make contact with a fielder with a slide or roll block that is not a bona fide effort to reach and stay on the base may be called out for interference and, when appropriate a double play may be called.
Any different change in direction by the runner to contact the fielder would be considered interference.
If a runner hits the dirt, slides, and rolls, it does not constitute a rolling block unless the runner leaves his feet and makes contact with the fielder before the runner slides on the ground. If the initial contact is with the fielder instead of the ground for the purpose of breaking up a double play, it is a roll block."

I have INT on that play but I don't ump in the pros.
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