The following rule changes were accepted by the Softball Rules Committee at their annual meeting, and reviewed and approved by the Playing Rules Oversight Panel (PROP). They will be incorporated into the rules book for the 2012 and 2013 seasons.
Rule 2.1 Backstop. A backstop is required. …When the backstop is wood, cement or brick, it is strongly recommended that it be padded from dugout to dugout beginning no higher than one foot off the ground and extending to the top of the wood, cement or brick or six feet from the ground, whichever is shorter. Padding is required by the 2016 season.
Rationale: Student-athlete safety. Padding is important because play often occurs at or near the backstop.
2.10 Fences. It is highly recommended that the playing field be enclosed completely by sideline fences and a permanent home-run fence in a smooth arc of not more than 235 feet from home plate. If constructed of wood, cement or brick, it is strongly recommended that it be padded beginning no higher than one foot off the ground and extending to the top of the wood, cement or brick or six feet from the ground, whichever is shorter. If a 6-foot fence, it is highly recommended to be…
Rationale: Student-athlete safety.
3.2. Ball. (Affects 15.6 also.)
3.2.2 The home host team shall be responsible for providing a minimum of five twelve game balls of the same specifications and manufacturer. Each game shall begin with two new game balls (one rubbed by each team, so the manufacturer’s gloss is removed) and three ten additional (new or game quality) balls.
Rationale: Expedite time for ball to be returned to play because more are available.
3.3 Bats.
3.3.2 Upon arrival to the field, the host each coach or school shall provide a printed copy of the current NCAA Approved Bat List available on the NCAA (
Playing Rules Administration - and SUP ArbiterSports websites as amended through communication from the NCAA relating to bats added to or scratched from the list. All bats in the dugout and on the field shall be highlighted and included in the count for each model on the printed NCAA Approved Bat List. nonapproved bat list as made available on the NCAA (ASA Web site the preceding Monday). It is highly recommended that the bat list with color pictures be provided. EFFECT-The game may not be started until the appropriate lists are presented.
Rationale: Most changes are from the rules supplement but new requirement of highlighted bat list provided by each coach, not the host) with number of bats for each model so all bats to be used are accounted for.
3.4 Warm-up Bats. (Affects 11.1 also.) Delete entire section.
Rationale: Warm-up bats of more than 39 ounces are rare in the collegiate fastpitch game.
NOTE: After the comment period and before PROP approval, the committee agreed to allow single piece, unaltered wooden bats in the on-deck circle.
3.7 Electronic Equipment Used for Scouting.
Note 1 Turning on or off videotaping equipment between innings does not constitute a violation.
Note 2 Uniformed team personnel (including players) may not be outside team areas for scouting purposes.
3.7.4 A team may film or videotape only contests in which it is playing, but may record (from the video truck, satellite feed or airwaves, not video camera) any game which is or will be televised. Videotaping may not be done from the team’s dugout or bullpen.
3.7.6 Cell phones and pagers are not allowed on the field but may be used in the dugout for purposes other than coaching or scouting. Videotaping from cameras and cell phones from any team area is not allowed.
EFFECT (3.7.1 to 3.7.7)—When brought to the attention of the umpire by a coach, the umpire shall warn the violator(s) and the head coach. If the violator(s) does not immediately comply, the head coach shall be ejected (if within the facility) and in all cases, the plate umpire is responsible for filing an incident report (See Appendix E), in writing, to the NCAA as soon as possible but not later than 72 hours after the incident.
Rationale: This addition forces uniformed personnel to scout from only their team areas, eliminates videotaping from a team area and reiterates the need for filing an incident report.
6.8 Delayed Dead Ball. (Affects 12.20 also.)
New 6.8.6 Base runner leaving a base prior to release of the pitch.
Rationale: Changes the effect from immediate dead ball to delayed dead ball in order to advantage the defense.
12.20 Leading Off Base.
EFFECT—The ball is dead, "No Pitch" is declared, and the offending base runner(s) is out. Each other base runner must return to the base legally occupied at the time of the pitch. Delayed dead ball is signaled. At the conclusion of the play, the coach of the defensive team shall have the option of taking the result of the play or "No Pitch" is declared and the batter is returned to the batter’s box. In addition, the offending base runner(s) is out, each other base runner must return to the base occupied at the time of the pitch.
Rationale: Allows the offended team to choose whether or not to take the results of the play or the traditional result for leaving a base early.
6.16.4 Called Game. A conference team may establish a travel policy that allows a game to conclude before its actual completion.
Rationale: Expanded to allow for shortened games due to air travel in more than just conference games. Protest. At the conclusion of the game and as soon as possible, the plate umpire will notify the NCAA softball secretary rules editor of the protest. Within 72 hours, the plate umpire and the protesting coach must each complete an official protest form…
Rationale: Notification will allow the NCAA Softball Secretary-Rules Editor to begin gathering the necessary information to rule within 72 hours as opposed to beginning within 72 hours.
9.4.2 Fielder Obstruction.
A fielder shall not position herself in the runner’s line of vision to intentionally prohibit her from seeing the first touch of a fly ball.
Rationale- Relocation of current rule ( with more appropriate effect to increase the penalty from a warning to potential of an awarded base.
11.16 Hit Batter.
New 11.16.1
Note 1 If the pitch is in the batter’s box, the batter is not required to make an attempt to get out of the way. The batter made no attempt to avoid the pitch or obviously tried to get hit by the pitch.
Rationale: Penalizes the pitcher whose pitch is in the batter’s box when it hits the batter by removing the requirement that the batter attempt to avoid the pitch
13.1 Ejections.
New 13.1.2 The umpires have the authority to issue a postgame ejection for unsporting behavior that occurs after the last out of the game, before the umpires have left the confines of the field and if the conduct would have resulted in an ejection had it occurred during the game. EFFECT- The umpire shall notify the appropriate head coach of the ejection and if the affected team has a subsequent game that day, the on-site administrator will also be notified. The violator shall serve the ejection in his/her team’s next regularly scheduled and played contest. All conditions for the effect of an in-game ejection apply. (See Rule 13.1.)
Rationale: Provides a penalty for immediate unsporting behavior after a contest, but it is limited to before the umpires leave the field.
13.2 Physical Contact with an Umpire or Opponent.
Note: Suspended personnel shall not be in uniform, shall not be allowed in any team area and shall not perform any team duty while serving a suspension. Exception: Players suspended under 13.2 may be restricted to the dugout if the suspension is to be served while the team is on the road and no other suitable supervisory options are available.
Rationale: If the suspension would begin in the second game of a doubleheader or while the team is on an extended road trip, there may be no other options for maintaining supervision of the student-athlete other than to restrict her to the dugout.
13.7 Intentionally Pitching at a Batter or Umpire.
EFFECT—If the plate umpire believes such a violation has occurred, the umpire shall warn the pitcher, catcher and her the head coach that future violations by any pitcher from his/her team will be cause for immediate ejection of the pitcher, catcher and the head coach. If, in the umpire’s judgment, the situation warrants drastic action to diffuse a potentially volatile situation, the umpire may eject the pitcher and catcher without first warning her . The head coach of the offending team may also be ejected at this time if the umpire believes it to be appropriate. A warning may be issued to one or both teams before the start of the game or at any time during a game if the umpire deems it to be appropriate (See Rule 13.1.)
Rationale: Expands protection to umpire.
14.7 Fielder’s Choice. (Affects 14.15 also.)
New When a base is gained by a runner who is allowed to advance because of defensive indifference.
Exception: See Rule 14.15.2 for first and third situations.
Rationale: Better reflects what the runner earns.
14.15 Stolen Base Not Credited.
New 14.15.2 A stolen base is not credited to a runner as a result of defensive indifference when no play is made on a runner. The runner’s advance is scored as a fielder’s choice See Rule 14.15.2 for first and third situations.
Rationale: Better reflects what the runner earns.