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Old Fri Jul 29, 2011, 12:40pm
Ref'sProudPapa Ref'sProudPapa is offline
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Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post
Personally, I don't care about this play at all, with the exception that eliminating the expected call has finally reached this level -- where a MLB umpire is willing to make a "best guess" on a call where he got straight lined a bit rather than take all the pieces of evidence in front of him and realize that the ball beat the runner by a mile and missing an actual tag here is 10000000000x worse than calling R3 out on a swipe tag that *might* have missed.

How many of us would've given a quick little fist pump on our field and gone on to the next inning and not thought twice about it?
Curious -- just a question. (First post on OF, by the way -- hello.) Is it the same analysis if the score had been 2-1 and the safe call extends rather than ends the game?

This all makes a lot of sense to me if Meals acknowleged he was guessing. (Maybe he did -- I didn't see all the post-game stuff.) If he wasn't, though -- if he felt he got a great look and saw it right -- the fact that replay shows he was wrong doesn't make it a guess. Just a missed call, right?