Originally posted by JMN
We manage the game pretty much like nvfoa15 suggests. No warnings unless it's a critical play and the offense is being very casual. If that's the case, and I'm the R, I've already told the team in the huddle repeatedly "You've got to get in and out faster". No big surprise.
5 man crew - Back Judge has the "loose" 25
4 man crew - R usually keeps it.
Sounds like many crews kind of "go with the flow" which is what I suspected.
Personally, the 25-second clock is always on but seldom invoked. My personal philosophy is keep the play within 25-seconds all game then if the game is on the line in the 4th quarter a delay of game does not become a "homer" call.
I use a Ready-Ref with a buzzer. It warns me at 5-seconds, would love to have that be 10-seconds. Frees me from constantly having to look at my watch.
In the first quarter if a team is slow following the snap, I tell the QB and my wingman tells the coach they are close. Usually, that is all that is needed.
If they do slow down, from my referee position I will shout "10 seconds" and that speeds them up enough.
Rarely is there a delay of game but when it does happen the team knows it.
In a varsity game, I would rather without an amount of reasonableness keep a 25 or 26 or 27 or...-second clock than rely on a coach making the call or looking somewhat biased when a call is made.