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Old Sat Mar 01, 2003, 12:00pm
Tim C Tim C is offline
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Spazzzz, Out of the mouth of Babes

Come thoughts like yours.

I have been taking FED test in basketball and baseball for 35 years and it never ceases to amaze me at how bad the test are written . . . expecially when you consider that they are written by people directly associated with education.

We have, for the last ten years, tried to get FED to recognize that their tests are tests that prove you can take a test, not know the rules of baseball.

Again, I find fault in the basic premise of your post.

It is a very hard test because it is a poorly written test.

Just for you to chew on, this comes from a guy that the last two times he took the test he scored 100. Not that I know the rules that well I just know how to take a FEDlandia test.

Hope ESL can find another avenue to take the test FAIRLY.

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