Originally posted by JRutledge
This would be all true if I considered it false.
First, everything I said is true, whether you consider your claim to be false or not. Notice that all my statements of fact were made about me, personally.
I would rather have true beliefs than false ones.
I would be an intellectual fraud, etc. Those are statements of fact, they are about me and are true regardless of whatever world view you hold. The only statements that I made about you were clearly predicated by saying that they were opinions on my part: "I
would think that you would care about it too."
Second, your claim -- as I think I have shown by now -- is completely false, whether you consider it to be so or not. The fact you believe something to be true does not make it so (regardless of what William James says). You can believe that the Earth is flat, but that doesn't mean it is. And the fact that you believe that there are some people posting on this board who think that rule knowledge is the only thing necessary to be an outstanding official does not imply that there are people who believe that. Quite to the contrary, your utter failure to produce even one sentence to support your claim tends to show that your belief is false; as everyone (including yourself, I'm starting to think) knows.
I will be waiting for your sticking up for other things that anyone considers false.
You'll have to keep waiting, I guess. I don't stick up for things that people think are false. I stick up for things that I know to be true. I have no idea what you mean by that comment.
you and your hommies say all kinds of false things about me personally.
First, I don't have hommies or homeys or whatever. Second, I have never knowingly said any false thing about you. When I make a comment about you, it's either something that you've told me, or I preface it by saying that I could be wrong about it. So whatever your complaint is, it's not on me.
They claim all kinds of things about me and spread them constantly.
Show me an example and I will be on your side, Jeff. Nobody should be saying untrue things intentionally about other officials. If people are doing this, I will most definitely do what I can to correct any misrepresentations. Just point them out to me. Just as you shouldn't be the target of false statements, however, neither should you continue to make your current false statement about others.
That would be wonderful if I was seeking respect and credibility among officials on this board.
Sadly, this is the answer I expected. And this answer is exactly why you have neither respect nor credibility among the greater part of officials who post here, I'm sorry to say.
But then again Chuck, this is your world I am just living in it.
Once again, this has nothing to do with anything at all and is not even true. I'll roll my eyes, too, for solidarity
Let me turn this whole thing around for a second and ask you a question. What would it take to convince you that nobody actually believes that rule knowledge is all it takes to be an outstanding official? You've been claiming all along that there are people who believe that. So what would convince you that they don't? What could we do here to prove ourselves to you, since you can't prove yourself to me? I'm not saying necessarily that I'd do it; I'm just curious what it would take to convince you that you'd actually made an error in judgment.