Originally posted by JRutledge
At the end of the day, who cares.
opinion is that at the end of the day,
you should care. If you don't care that you hold false beliefs, if you don't care that you are perpetrating falsehoods against your brother officials, if you don't care that you have no support whatsoever for your own beliefs, then I think that's sad, personally. I would always prefer to hold true beliefs than to hold false ones. And I would be ashamed to spread falsehoods about other officials, when it's been made clear to me that my comments are false. I would be an intellectual fraud if I refused to acknowledge an obvious error in my belief system. Those are things that I care deeply about. I think those say something about me as a person, not merely as an official. I would think that you ought to care about them too. But that's just my opinion.
I stand by my original statement.
Your original statement is utterly false. You have absolutely no basis whatsoever for believing it. Every time you state it, you are knowingly spreading that falsehood. What does that say about you?
I do not need to prove anything to have an opinion
Very true. If, however, you could provide any evidence whatsoever for your belief, you might actually have some credibility on these discussion boards. Furthermore, if you were simply to say that you were mistaken and stop repeating your "opinion" on this topic, your credibility and the respect for you among other posters here would skyrocket.