Originally Posted by MikeStrybel
It took less than a second for Google to call this video up - "breaking ball in dirt called strike". The game was between the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees. The 12-6 curve crosses the zone and ends in the dirt. Yes, it was called a strike for the out.
Seriously, having a strong EGO is necessary for a good official but, having one that comes from a head size way to large for any hat is another thing all together. If you have to resort to Google ytube videos to try and prove your personal opinion then you have stooped lower than the pitch in the dirt.
The neighborhood play came about because for years it was acceptable to take the fielder "out" at second. You could umpire with the a gladiator mentality and watch players get maimed, put up with the brawls as a result of you forcing a fielder to make sure he touched that bag crystal clear perfectly or do a little pre-emptive officiating and shortening your day without these problems.
Over the years it finally dawned on some that taking the player out was a safety problem. As as result of this the fielders could turn a double and not have to worry if they were going to get there legs broken. So please get off your "high horse" about your opinions about the "expected calls" just because you like the attention from stirring the pot.
I think you and Larry need to start a personal forum for the two of you, because your begining to bore the hell out of the rest of us.