It took less than a second for Google to call this video up - "breaking ball in dirt called strike". The game was between the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees. The 12-6 curve crosses the zone and ends in the dirt. Yes, it was called a strike for the out.
Uh seems that a couple of you think you are better than a MLB umpire. (sigh and roll eyes) It is truly funny to see this debate twist from the original expected call mentality though. Just like hard slides at second now ending in interference calls, MLB is addressing things that have become issues for dinosaurs. The strike zone is still subject to individuality and is not as blatant as the neighborhood play. Still, some have the stones to call that strike.
I worked with a guy who would never call a pitch a strike if the catcher dropped it. I asked him where it is in the book and he said that a AA guy told him to do it that way. Impressive.