the time to appeal the improper touch of 1st base
Has to happen before the runner returns to the white portion of the base.
If the runner has advanced due to an overthrow, s/he hasn't returned to the white portion of the base, so I would consider this a missed base and appealable before the next pitch.
I sent the following to KR about 3 years ago:
In one of the games a coach had asked me about appealing a batter-runner that stepped on the white portion of the double base on a routine play. She was safe, but because there was not an immediate appeal and she returned to first base, an appeal became moot.
In a later game, a younger player who cleary wasn't too softball savvy yet, hit a ground ball to F4 who proceeded to bobble it, kick it, drop it, roll it, and finally picked it up and threw to F3. The batter-runner was not running very fast and as she approaced 1B saw the throw coming and placed her foot on the white portion of the double base and froze there. The throw finally arrived a second or two later, was caught cleanly by F3, and I called "safe". The batter-runner still had not moved remaining in contact with the white portion of the base..
After the safe call, F3 threw the ball to F1 in the circle, and we played on from there.
My "what if" question is if the batter-runner had never touched the colored portion of the base, indeed, never left the base at all once she touched the white portion, could the defense appeal the fact that she didn't use the colored portion of the base? Their appeal would be on a runner who was in contact with the base, albeit the wrong side of the double-base.
Seems to me that the premise for an appeal for a runner that over-runs 1B either missing the base altogether or touching the wrong color would be prior to their returning to the base.
KR's reply:
In this case we would apply rule 8 section 2M 3. Even though the runner did not pass the base when stopping on the base and standing on the base at the time of the appeal this runner would be safe. Hope this helps.
USA & NFHS Softball