Originally Posted by DaveASA/FED
Doesn't the appeal window end after the next pitch legal or illegal? Isn't that in the general appeals information? Page 111 rules supplement 1.A.1 talks about an appeal for touching the white only, then 1.E says when it has to be made (before next pitch, end of inning infielders leave fair territory, end of game umpire leave field). Seems like there is an end to the appeal period for touching the white only.
Yes, in the rules supplement it's very clear how this is meant to work. But the rulebook itself doesn't correspond to the rules supplement.
A runner overruns first with a play happening and because of what happens next decides to go straight to second. Each of us wants that to be appealable no later than the next pitch (etc).
But the rule which limits the time for appeals does not cover the situation of a runner touching the wrong part of the base. It only covers a runner missing a base. So to deal with first base we have to do two things.
1st. We have to apply the rule regarding runner appeals to the batter runner. That's ASA 8.7.F-I.Effect (this I have no problem with though MBCrowder objected earlier)
2nd. We have to apply a rule regarding missing a base to a player touching the wrong part of a base. (This I think we are meant to do, the rules supplement suggests the same outcome, but the rules themselves don't support it).
Or there must be some rule somewhere that limits the time to appeal the improper touch of 1st base. But nobody has pointed me at one.