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Old Fri Feb 28, 2003, 01:51pm
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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Re: Evidence

Originally posted by JRutledge
This is not about evidence. I did not really give you any evidence or really try to give you evidence.
Really? I could've sworn that you were trying to give me evidence. Because in your previous post, from which I quoted, you wrote this toward the end:

Is that proof enough? I do not expect it to be. . .
So at that time, you clearly thought you were giving proof, since you ask if it's "proof enough". Proving something generally requires some sort of evidence. But when I demonstrate that your evidence doesn't prove anything at all, suddenly "this is not about evidence"? That's pretty slippery. Are you practicing for elective office?

This is not a courtroom and even in a courtroom, what is true and what is false tends to be up for judgement
Yes, but the facts themselves do not depend on that judgment. You can make a judgment that there are people posting on this board who believe that rule knowledge is the ONLY thing necessary for being an outstanding official. But that judgment would be incorrect. It's still false, and doesn't become true magically just b/c it's your judgment.

I have been on this board for probably 5 years or so and there has been many things said over that period of time.
Then, please, by all means, show me one. Show me one single post that anyone has made that indicates that he or she believes what you claim. Just one. That's all I've been asking. But somehow, in 8 pages of posts, you haven't been able to come up with one, have you? I wonder why that is. Because there aren't any to find. Admit it. Please.

BTW, I will continue to say what I feel. Everyone has that right to do that here or any other place.
Everyone has the right to say what they feel? What a novel concept. Then why did you previously tell me:

You have no right to tell me what to say
In any case, as I said already, I would not tell you that you can't say something. Although, I do wish you would stop making this false claim unless you can substantiate it somehow. You can substantiate it, right? I mean, you're not the mindless kind of person who holds beliefs for no reason at all, are you?

Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!