Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
And umpiring stops you from being dedicated to the family? That money one earns could very well be the difference in the daughter (who is there is an athletic scholarship, it will most likely be partial) attending the preferred or another college.  Or fund college for the other offspring that isn't athletically inclined to get into a decent school.
Just because your child is playing ball does not mean one needs to stop umpiring. There are other games out there besides her team's or league's. Not only does is earn a little extra money, it also keeps the individual in the game, aware of the "real" rules and interpretations and, in some instances, makes one feel more useful as an observer or coach when involved in DD's games.
My point is that one should try to keep a hand in it even if doing nothing more than attending clinics and working a friendly or two, maybe even some SP where you will learn what it is really like to hustle. 
Some of us, believe it or not, enjoy watching our kids play.
I still attend the clinics in the Winter. I still take the high school test every year. I just don't want to miss my daughter playing.
For the record, I do SP two nights a week when her schedule allows it.