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Old Fri Feb 28, 2003, 11:45am
zebraman zebraman is offline
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Re: Zebra

[QUOTE]Originally posted by JRutledge
Your head is so far stuck up your behind.... I am not talking about rules knowledge you idiot.

Again, your choice of words show your maturity and intelligence.

The next words that come out of your mouth might set the tone or take the cover off an already volitle situation.

Dealing with people comes easily and naturally to me. I don't make a big deal out of dealing with a frustrated coach or player because it has never been a problem. You're so worried about being near the bench or a coach or player "giving you a black eye." I've never even seen anything that comes close to approaching a situation like that. Are you officiating at your local penitentiary? :-)

And if you are spending most of that time trying to convince what 4-7-2b is, then you might find yourself on the other end of a black eye.

Yeah, there's something that worries me. I've never let a game get anywhere near that out of control. What size boxing gloves do you wear when you ref? :-)

Trust me, conflict resolution has very little to do with what a test will teach you.

Trust you? The guy who makes wild claims with no basis and can not produce any evidence that anyone ever said what you claim they did? Yeah, that'll happen.

And when I read many posts, I here guys debating over rules and phrases like the sky is falling.

Another wild claim. The only person I see here acting like the sky is falling is you. Like I said, handling players and coaches is a snap for me. I've never had a problem with that.... and I've never seen a huge issue with any varsity officials on that around here. However, I have seen a couple of games ordered resumed by the state due to incorrect rule interpretations. Once it was because the officials went with the AP arrow to start the overtime rather than a jump ball. I will continue to use this wonderful board to increase my rule knowledge in hopes that I never blow a rule and embarrass myself and my partner.