[QUOTE]Originally posted by JRutledge
[QUOTE]Originally posted by JRutledge
When someone with a straight face can praise someone's officiating ability because the passed a written test, but failed the all important "floor test," I do not know about you, but that seems to say someone feels that tests mean a little more than what I personally feel is required to officiate.
There you go assuming and making an *** out of yourself again. Who said anything about floor tests? Nothing was said about floor tests. You honestly think someone who can't get above a 70 on an open book NFHS written test has enough grasp of the rules to officiate a school game? Come on, be serious.
And they are not looking for guys like JR that will argue the word for word citations in the rulebook. If JR would do that crap around me and many places I officiate during the summer, he might get his behind kicked talking about rules in a certain manner.
Hey, there's an intelligent way to resolve conflict. Well done. Let's see...if a ref thinks it's important to have good rule knowledge, let's "kick his behind." You are really showing your ability for intelligent conversation and conflict resolution. Nice one!
He and others better learn how to have some conflict resolution skills, if not they might not get out without a black eye.
That makes sense....if you think a ref needs better conflict resolution skills (based on the fact that he has good rule knowledge), beat some conflict resolution into him. Hahahaha..... that's beautiful. Too darn funny!!!! Duh, I wonder if that's possibly conflicting. Do you think? Is that your idea of conflict resolution? That is so dumb it's hilarious.
Is that proof enough? I do not expect it to be, but you keep thinking no one feels that way.
I have no idea what your point is. It got lost somewhere in the ignorance and the part about kicking someone's behind. But that was hilarious! Your best ever.