Originally Posted by HugoTafurst
I didn't follow this when it gappened, except to be a ware that there was a vote and we lost.
The story I heard was that he recused himself from the voting due to the obvious conflict of interest.
Maybe there's more to the story than I know, but ufortunate as it was for my personal interest, I am impressed by acts of integrety at high levels.
Maybe there is more to the story I don't know.
That was his claim. Here is my claim: as a person in the business of selling sports equipment of all kinds, his entire existence on the IOC was a conflict of interest of exactly the same kind as he only saw fit to recognize in this instance. By his own claim, he should not have been a voting member; he should have not accepted the position. But, then, he wouldn't have had the perks that go with it. His actions were irresponsible no matter how you cut it; either his recusing himself was not necessary, or he should not have had that voting position in the first place. He could have kept softball in the Olympics by choosing a difference course of action; he did not, and softball was kicked off by the anti-USA bigots and the ignorant.
While he is not responsible for everyone else's vote, he is responsible for his own actions, and his own actions resulted in women's fast pitch no longer being an Olympic sport.
So, why is it you buy Easton bats again? (Generic "you", not "You, Hugo.")