Thu Jul 14, 2011, 06:03pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: In the Desert....
Posts: 826
Originally Posted by Andy
Lets see....I just bought some new gear specifically for my national this year, so I will take:
6 ASA Powder Blue Shirts
1 ASA Navy shirt (have been told these will not be required, but just in case)
4 pair Feccheimer Heather Grey plate pants
4 pair Feccheimer Heather Grey base pants
4 ASA caps (2 brand new, 2 slightly used)
5 Under-Armour type undershirts
4 pair compression shorts
2 pair compression tights
10 pair white tube socks
10 pair black tube socks
All of my plate gear and accessories ( I only have three indicators..)
I am driving to my national this year...After I pack the SUV, I think there will be just enough room for my wife to go with me....
I have more shirts if you need them. (Seriously)