Originally Posted by derwil
Deoderant and baby powder. One of my first SB tournaments was a rea scoarcer and I had the monkey butt for a week. Got home and wife told me that I had a noticable, pungent aroma (I believe she said "Holy crap you stink!") Now I got extras to keep the peace and keep comfortable.
Actually, Gold Bond Medicated powder is a very good solution.
On your break, take a field shower and change the tighty-whities.
On a slightly different note, in between games you should elevate your feet to get the blood out of them. In just 10 minutes, you will feel the difference and your next game will be much easier.
And, advice that was given to me by a UIC at Nationals is to take your mask off frequently; between batters, after foul balls and other short delays between pitches. Even if it only for 10-20 seconds, it provides for evaporation and reduces heat build-up on your face.
A new item that I keep in my ball bag is a powder blue ShamWOW. Not only does it allow for wiping perspiration on arms, face and neck, but I also wipe down the padding on the mask and the sweatband of my hat. The ShamWOW pulls the moisture out of the paddings making it feel much better throughout the games.