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Old Thu Feb 27, 2003, 03:21pm
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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Re: OK

Originally posted by JRutledge
And your boy told him after he claimed he got a high score, "you know the rules." What?? How can someone pass one test in their career and know the rules?
First of all, I don't have a boy. I have a daughter, but that's not what you meant, of course. Neither I, nor presumably anyone whom you might assume to be my boy, appreciates comments of that nature.

Second, I'm not sure why his comment upsets you. He didn't say that the new official was a rules "expert" or anything. But obviously that person studied and knew enough about the rules to pass. I think you are obviously correct in saying that passing a test does not ensure perfect rules knowledge. But so what? I don't think it's fair to interpret "you know the rules" that way.

I think it's fairer to understand that comment as meaning that the official who studies well enough to pass a test knows more about the rules than 99% of the coaches, players, and fans that will be in the gym during his game. That's all. Would you agree to that?

obviously there is more to what we do thing writing on a piece of paper.
And Jeff, you will not find one single official on this board who will disagree with that comment. Not one. We all know this. You're not letting us in on any secrets. We ALL agree with you on this. If you think anybody would disagree, then you are mistaken.

Someone said to me long time ago on this board and the other board, "if you cannot pass a test, then you have no business officiating." Now that was said, it does not matter who said it. I did not see the likes of you disagreeing when it was said.
Is this what you offer as evidence? Somebody once told me. . .? Not exactly compelling. Nevertheless, it's close enough. You didn't see me disagreeing with it, b/c I think it's probably true. Rules knowledge isn't everything, as I've agreed above. But I think having a basic understanding of the basic rules is necessary (but NOT sufficient, ok?) for quality officiating. No one is saying that passing a test is all you need. But if you go on the floor and call a "false start" or "icing", you probably shouldn't be officiating basketball. Would you disagree with that?

Maybe the person who said that did not mean it the way I interpreted (that is possible) that statement,
No maybe about it. Whatever you interpreted it to mean, it DOESN'T mean "Rule knowledge is all you need to be a good official".

So will you agree to stop claiming that some people hold that position? Please?


[Edited by ChuckElias on Feb 27th, 2003 at 03:18 PM]
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!