Originally posted by ChuckElias
And finally, Jeff, I have never called you a liar. I have never said that you have intentionally tried to mislead anybody. I think you're wrong. I think you are perpetuating a falsehood. But if you're an honorable person, you will either prove your claim or stop making it.
Ya Boy just the other week told someone they knew the rules because they past a test. How can someone know the rules by passing a test? This person that got this advice was a first year official that did not pass a floor test. And your boy told him after he claimed he got a high score, "you know the rules." What?? How can someone pass one test in their career and know the rules? If they did not pass a floor test and advance as this young official wanted to, then obviously there is more to what we do thing writing on a piece of paper. If I read the same things in officiting publications and in articles that talk about what is important to officiating, why would folks come here and not repeat the same thing?
There is a search engine on this board. Someone said to me long time ago on this board and the other board, "if you cannot pass a test, then you have no business officiating." Now that was said, it does not matter who said it. I did not see the likes of you disagreeing when it was said. I did not see you then standing up for truth and justice you claim you are trying to stand for now. Maybe the person who said that did not mean it the way I interpreted (that is possible) that statement, but I do not see whatelse that could mean. That is just one statement and it is clear to me. I realize the audience that I am talking to and I am not concerned with disagreement. Disagreement is apart of life and life will go on.