Originally posted by gsf23
If an official makes a call, obviously he thinks that this is the right call or he wouldn't have made it. Now, what are you going to do as an official if a coach questions your application or interpretation of the rule? The coach is probably going to be told he is wrong and if persistant, will get a T. How many officials here would say, "you are right coach, my mistake." And I am talking about rules applications(like bonus free throws being awarded on a player control foul) not judgement calls (like a push or hold).
Normally, if the coach asks for an explanation, I figure I owe it to him/her to give one. I'll explain my call according to the rule (as I know it and interpret it) and if the coach disagrees I'll ask him/her what they saw. If their view disagrees with my mine, I'll quickly explain what I saw differently. If it continues from there, nothing good can happen so I'll usually cut it off and say "Coach, if it happened the way you saw it, I was wrong." Heck, we all make mistakes and until I can ref a game from the stands where they can see all the correct calls
, I'll continue to make them. I think it's hard for a coach to rag on me if I admit I kicked a call.