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Old Sat Jul 09, 2011, 04:46pm
amusedofficial amusedofficial is offline
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O's Boston brawl, odd ejection?

Just interested in how the PU handled this. The best video to see what the umpire did is side angle a fan posted on YouTube since the game telecasts from both Balt and Bos were straight on.

one out, R3, pitch comes after bench-clearing that resulted in warnings but no ejections. Ortiz pops up, PU appears to eject pitcher Gregg during the play, which was potential double play due to tag-up by R3. Scorecard says R3 out at home, putout to 2, but no indication that there was an actual tag at plate. In one view, Ortiz is headed to first but looks back and sees PU eject pitcher and only then charges Gregg.

YouTube - ‪Red Sox Orioles FIGHT!!!! 7/8/11 Brawl LIVE‬‏
broadcast: Gameday | Gameday

Did the plate pull the trigger too early since the hitter was lumbering on toward first at the time?
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