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Old Wed Feb 26, 2003, 06:55pm
zebraman zebraman is offline
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Tony certainly doesn't need me to defend him, but I will anyway. Based on a discussion board that you have often called "fantasy," you have deduced that Tony is a sick person? Every time I think you've gone over the top, you go even higher. I don't remember a time when Tony has been condescending. He's been helpful and knowledgeable and I've learned a lot from him on the boards. I don't agree with him on everything, but when I do disagree it's always stayed civil.

IMHO, you are far more condescending than anyone here and your confrontational style has certainly caused many posters to leave who would have otherwise had much to contribute.

I don't remember anyone EVER saying that test scores make an official. There was debate over what was more important, an official with good rule knowledge or good presence. That horse was beaten to death long ago, yet (even though you "don't care" what anyone thinks of your opinion) you can't let it go and bring it up again and again and even lie to support your position. Then when someone catches you in a lie, you deny it and even manage to turn it into an issue involving race (what the heck is that about?). Get over it yourself!