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Old Fri Jul 01, 2011, 01:53pm
MikeStrybel MikeStrybel is offline
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Originally Posted by dileonardoja View Post
I am thinking of going to the Evan Desert Classic or the MLB 1 week clinic. MLB is a full 7 days vs 4 or so for Evans but the MLB clinic is twice the price. Any recommendations and opinions regarding value? Thanks in Advance.
It really depends on the reason you are attending the clinic. If you aspire to work certain levels of ball in your area, you may want to investigate camps promoted and attended by the assignors. Does your assignor put more value on the JE or MLB camps? If not, some of the local NCAA and MiLB camps are pretty incredible for developing your skills and networking with those in your region. There are a number of sites that list them.

Regarding the two camps you mentioned, each has outstanding talent present. You will find current MLB staff and PBUC instructors/evaluators at both to rub elbows with and hear war stories from while they make you a better umpire. Choose the t-shirt and hat you like and spend the bucks. Be warned that the Classic is held at the Chicago White Sox Spring training facilities in Tucson. Bring some good soap to wash off that stink and you'll be fine.
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