The rule said something about no park built after 1957 or so could have less than the specified dimensions. The new Yankee Stadium does not comply nor does the atrocity in Tampa. Fenway was obviously waived dating as it does back to 1912. I am not certain of the date Charles Finley pulled his stunt of having a right field fence on wheel to mock the short porch in RF. The point is that the rule was very specific as in NO STADIUM, etc, etc when it could have said "any stadium built or modified after 1957 must have the dimensions approved by MLB". Obviously that rule was followed with the boring wave of symmetric cookie cutter stadiums from the 60's: Shea, Busch, Astrodome, the Vet, Fulton Co, Three Rivers, Riverfront, et al. But the fact remains that many of the new parks with retro-quirkiness do not comply with a strict reading of the plain English of the rule.