"Hottt dangg is'n that you daddy????"
Truth be told ol Jeb has only had 7 players and two coach ejections in 16 years - the only questionable ejection was the first coach Jeb tossed, Jeb probably should have keep quiet himself but that would have only keep ol coach around a bit more cause he was a itch'n ifn you knows what I mean.
Ol Jeb never has figered out why pencil neck came a jaw'n at him cause it was his a partners call. Partner and Jeb had a good chuckle over how partner skated and ol Jeb took the heat for some dang reason.
Ol Jeb has come of the belief that dat ol ass igner belongs n the chicken coop with the rest of the poop.....
As to doing a game - Jeb's sorry to say that will have to be a put on hold..... wez a gitten dumped on with tha white crap right now, bout a foot worth - - - pith!
Originally posted by Bfair
furst whees gottsa ask whys ole pencil neck sa comin jebs way instead of mr hatfields ways outs at BU ? Seemsalike heesa gettin off kinda easy fer starters. thout ole
pencilneck woodve gone fer hatfield in this sitch? shur understand thet once yous behind the pig sty in the goop yous gottsa do sumthin to get out, and the last things yousa
lookin fer is more goop !
be in an ass igner meself, wees can only say wees a tryin to keep yall smilin. Butt, sum times weesa gottsa give inda the top dogs and does whats they wants dun. ujually thatsa just keepin sumin away from sumin else. Not to tuff to do evin ifin wees dunt like it. Dunt undastand tho why ole jebs goen fer good? lessen theres ben lotsa udder problims befer. a good assiner can ujually suport a fue problems, itsa when theysa keep repete in thatsa tuff to do. ifin yer assiner dun gives ya no chance ta tell yousa side a whatsa gone rong, yousa prubably gottsa rong assiner. keepsa lookin fer sumin who betta presheates jebs talints. good offishells er in demand, speshally perfeshinal ones likin yer ritins in yer post seem ta sho. thisin isa problim tween yous en the leag, er the assiner, not the coach. sounds lik mees en yousa be a good match fer a cru.