I put croquet in my profile almost as a joke. Every year, there is a charity croquet match near here between a retirement home and a local Lions Club. All the proceeds go to support the Lions Club summer camp for the blind. Local politicians and celebrities are brought in as "ringers" on the teams, and I "officiate", which consists mostly of walking around with a portable microphone and making jokes about the players. We all wear "summer whites" including straw hats and the retirement home serves lemonade and cucumber sandwiches.
Two years ago, our local state representative (who is a personal friend, but a terrible athlete) almost lost to some old lady with a walker. I haven't let him forget it since.
Maybe I should put my real hobby in my profile - amateur gynecology.
As to the disgruntled coach, he emailed me again this morning and said he doesn't need videotape to tell him he had girls laying on the floor. He said other teams at his school sent tape in to the state association and it didn't do them any good. Gee - I wonder why?
Also, regarding my comment about "over the back" not being a foul - here's his reply:
"It must be a call because some of your colleagues still use it."
I must admit he has a point there. Guys - stop calling this. It makes the rest of us look bad.
Yom HaShoah