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Old Wed Jun 29, 2011, 12:18pm
Rita C Rita C is offline
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Originally Posted by frozenrope22 View Post
Saw this last night in a 14U Dizzy Dean Tournament. The Catcher for one of the teams had a bad habit of coming up out of his crouch and walking forward on his throws down to second. I noticed this between innings as he was warming up pitchers. Wondered when it would become an issue during the game.

Middle of the game runner stealing second. Same catcher stands up when he sees runner take off and literally steps forward and catches the pitch before it gets to the plate. Throws runner out and needless to say HC is not happy. Tells his team in the dugout that the next time catcher does that then to hit him with the bat.

Batter didn't swing as the catcher was standing on home plate when he caught the ball.

Just wondering if anyone has ever seen this and what should happen from an umpire/ruling stand point?
It's catcher's interference.

I actually made this call this year. Coach couldn't understand how the catcher was interfering when there was no swing. He just couldn't understand that the batter has to have the opportunity to swing. And did he really want the batter swinging and hitting his catcher?


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