Thread: What to wear?
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Old Wed Feb 26, 2003, 10:58am
Jeremy Hohn Jeremy Hohn is offline
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It is all about presentation, and that term doesn't just apply to mechanics and things on the court. A few years ago, a fellow official was selected for the state tournament in just 4 SEASONS partly because of the way he dressed (suit and tie) that some of us thought excessive, got him all the way to Div 1 now. He is a very good official, but not THAT much better than quite a few people he has left far behind.
All I have to say is that you never know who is watching. I wear business slacks, dress shoes, and a dress shirt to ALL my HS games (even ones here in town). Occasionally, I will wear a wind suit for a smaller town tournament, or if I don't have time to really go home and dress up nicely. For ALL college games it is sport coat and dress slacks AT LEAST. Sometimes tie, sometimes not if I want to wear a nice shirt underneath that doesn't have a butterfly-type collar.
I was selected to 2 regional tournaments this season, and one of the comments sent to my Chapter President, was that he appreciated my "business-like approach" upon stepping out of the car, not only stepping onto the floor. Yes, it DOES matter IMHO.
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