Originally Posted by MikeStrybel
I'm watching Vanderbilt and Florida play and thought my ears deceived me. The PU works the knee and is always in a solid slot position. He has made numerous calls, "Ball, out." I believe he worked the dish for an SC game in the series earlier and did the same thing. He tracks the pitch and allows his head an exagerrated turn left or right (depending on batter stance) as if to show everyone it is outside the strike zone. I've seen a few guys do this and know the crew working the CWS are incredible but I'm still a bit surprised. Around here, some of my partners would get on me for describing the pitch rather than just calling it. Coaches like to bark, "Where was that? It wasn't high/low." I can see where it may placate them by using the call and head move. Any of you use this mechanic?
Not to say you do this Mike, but you brought up a term that I feel amateur umpires use too much. Pitches aren't high or low. They are either up or down.
Up, down, in, out. If you need to answer a question. Don't get caught saying a pitch was high, you won't like what may come back at you.